Local Services

First Aid
In Nea Anchialos there is a First Aid Station at 30 July Street (next to the St.George Church).
Tel: +30 24280 76666

There is a General hospital in the city of Volos and many rural clinics and health centers throughout the region. Almost each village of the municipality has at least one clinic or health centre. Volos General Hospital "Achillopoulion" :: Tel.: +30 24210 94200-20

In Nea Anchialos we have the following doctors:
2 Pathologist * 1 Pediatrs * 1 Cardiologist * 1 Pnevmonolog * 1 Ofthalmologist
2 Dentists * 2 Physiotherapists

There are five pharmacies in Nea Anchialos.
Each pharmacy in Nea Anchialos has a notice on the door showing which are open out of normal hours and their addresses and phone number.

Banks & ATM
Since November 2017, there is no bank branch in Nea Anchialos.
Though there are two ATM's for you best convenience

Police Station
The main police station of Nea Anchialos is situated in Volos and there are more police stations at most of the surrounding cities.
Police Authority of Volos :: 28th October 179, Volos 38221* Tel.: +30 24210 39061

Post Office
The Greek post office is called ELTA and you can find Nea Anchialos Post Office is located at Ellinikis Aeroporias Str. (City Center). Phone: +30 24280 76208
The post office performs money transactions and cash currency exchange. Post Boxes in Greece are YELLOW for normal post, usually with 2 slots for INTERNAL POST (meaning inside Greece) and post for ABROAD.
RED Post Boxes are rarer and they are used for URGENT mail. REGISTERED mail is always handled and given a receipt for at the POST OFFICE.

Nea Anchialos used to be autonomus municipality including the villages: Mikrothives- Aidini - Chrysi Akti Panagias - Mamidakis - Marathos - Kritharia.
Since Kallikratis project, Nea Anchialos belongs to Volos Municipality
MUNICIPALITY OF VOLOS :: Rigas Feraios Square, Volos 38001
Tel.: +30 24213-50100

Nea Anchialos city has two churches:
Agios Georgios situated at the city center
Agios Rafael situated at the very north west of the city

In Nea Anchialos and the greater area of Volos there are many convenient stores and book stores from where travellers can buy all kinds of newspapers, books and magazines in both Greek and foreign languages.

Emergency Numbers
Police 100
Ambulance 166
Fire Brigade 199
Nea Anchialos Taxi Station: +30 2428076340
Volos Radio Taxi: +30 24210 27777
Volos Tourist Police: +30 24210 39057, 39065
Volos Port Authority: +30 24210 28888, 33840, 76720
Hellenic National Meteorological Service: +30 210 9699101-3
ELPA ( Car breakdown tourist information service): 174